Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Testing the waters

After nearly a month on hiatus, I think I'm ready to be back blogging.

I'd hoped that the time out would have allowed me to gain some perspective on my life and how I deal with it. I'm not sure that I have gained this, but there's nothing like a self-imposed ban on blogging to make you think of all kinds of interesting things to blog about!

It's been a really hard few weeks for both The Trouser and me, as we simultaneously try to satisfy our respective employers' crazy demands, plan our wedding, plan to move, and try to figure out all the family stuff. I've been upset, tired and prone to shout or cry 95% of the time, and he has been very sweet.

Thank you for your kind comments and emails. They have really helped.

The emotional turmoil hasn't been so great for the knitting either. I simply haven't had the energy to knit. But I do have a work in progress shot for you - my mother's Forecast:

This photo is sadly overdue, given that the body was done the week after I started it. And really, I must figure out how to get the lighting better so you can see the colours better (it's a lovely dark navy). Still, better late and crappy than never.

As you can't quite see, I'm onto the ribbing on the first sleeve, and will really need to get a wriggle on if I'm to finish and block this by Mum's birthday (9 October). But I'm glad I didn't knit when I was really stressed and upset - I much prefer even tension!


Blogger Unknown said...

Yay, you're back! Now, I'm sure you're not upset, crying or shouting while blogging, so just blog more and you'll have more good times!!!

11:13 am  
Blogger Eatsruns said...

Wow, I didn't realise it had been that long. Hope everything goes better from now on! Looking forward to seeing the finished Forecast.

11:39 am  

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